Project Exercise 1 :- Blog Website
- Topic Covered :- HTML
- Description :- Build a simple blog webpage that includes essential HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, unordered and ordered lists, links, and images. The page should start with a DOCTYPE declaration and include the
, <head>
, and <body>
- Skills Covered :- HTML structure and embedding media.
Project Exercise 2 :- Contact Us Form
- Topic Covered: HTML
- Description: Create a "Contact Us" form that includes input fields for name, email, phone number, and a message. The form should have a submit button, and the fields should have basic validation, such as ensuring the name, email, and phone number fields are required before submission. Use appropriate input types and attributes for each field to ensure the form is user-friendly and accessible.
- Skills Covered: Form creation, input elements, form validation, attributes.
Project Exercise 3: Styling The Page
- Topic Covered: CSS.
- Description: Style the blog page created in Project Exercise 1 by applying CSS. Add background colors to sections, set text colors, and choose appropriate fonts. Use CSS properties to adjust text sizes, line heights, and font styles. Implement padding and margins to create spacing between elements, ensuring the layout is visually appealing and easy to read. Utilize CSS selectors and the box model to enhance the overall presentation of the page.
- Skills Covered: CSS styling, applying selectors, text formatting, using padding/margins, and understanding the box model for layout control.
Project Exercise 4: Two-Column Layout with Flexbox
- Topic Covered: HTML, CSS
- Description: Design a two-column webpage layout using Flexbox. The page should include a header at the top, a sidebar on the left with a list of links, and a main content area on the right. The sidebar should be narrow, and the main content area should take up the remaining space.
- Skills Covered: Flexbox for layout management, creating a two-column structure, CSS positioning